Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The laws of the subconscious mind ((unconscious))

Posted by abdelfadel at 15:27
The subconscious

Inability of scientists to know this extraordinary power possessed by the human spirit after the merger of the body. Weimar and the day of the world but, studies and discoveries of strange powers beyond those possessed by the mind. When embarked on the study of the mind did not find password in the visual brain even after the autopsy and photographed and follow-up, Fajlsoa to the presence of mind is more in-depth visual and audible and tangible from which orders the soul, and they called the subconscious or unconscious mind.
This has the capacity of the subconscious mind of which the scientists did not realize until now only a little, and perhaps the Quranic verse refers to this sense in talking about the Spirit: (They ask you concerning the Spirit Say: The Spirit of the Lord is). We do not know, and probably will not know, but this soul or subconscious mind, but every day we discover the tremendous capabilities and ways to deal with technology better.
The d. Milton Erickson was felt that the power of the subconscious mind Kharh in life should be utilized and d. Joseph A. Murphy for his book "The power of the subconscious mind" by more than twenty years, the latest sensation in the scientific community and met with great fame. The Murphy was referring in his book that the man can achieve what he wants, in itself, as long as the goal was clear and as long as the methods correctly in the course of this time I came out of Arts and Sciences many carry the application to make a change and programmable self what you want, including the art of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Design ergonomics and treatment Time Line and methods of accelerated learning, and reading graphic and many more, and I remember in the early nineties I see libraries where up to twenty or thirty books in the Department of the so-called development of self (Self-Help), The Day The library contains more than a thousand books in this Science! At AMAZON can find many of these books.
All of these sciences in dealing with the subconscious mind, this strange creature the Lord, and all these arts are hovering around the idea of ​​dealing with the subconscious mind, or mind daemon, or soul, and methods of programming to get the required physical and mental health.
The hypnosis and NLP one of these methods, and the most beautiful roads in the programming of the mind smooth and the resolution of conflicts and holding self and illness.
- How does the subconscious mind?
To facilitate the explanation preferred Let us take an example to your computer. My computer is running through the first body is composed of inputs (inputs) and outputs (outputs). Inputs such as keyboard (keyboard) and mouse (mouse) and scanner (scanner), like the human input of the senses and Kalsama sight, smell, taste and touch. And outputs such as a printer, display, modem, like the output of human verbal and Allalfezah Kalntq, movements and behavior and looks.
That this body, and within the central process unit (CPU) saves the information, like the human brain, and this unity of the language of a particular program typically addresses computer language named machine language (machine language). This program is important because the potential of computer code that the program is not working and well-deserved. The most powerful computer without a good program does not mean anything. Computer capabilities, but a very modest program with a high-level best, because what matters in the results nor the results of a program or not Fbh his modest.
Like the program is like what we call the subconscious. The program is run by the computer and out through the output requirements, and the subconscious as well as manages the affairs of the individual and the body and out the actions and behaviors and actions and words.
There is an important person working on the computer, called the author using, this person modifies and adjusts the program until it receives and out of what he wants, such a person is like the conscious mind, you initially determine what you want, as a programmer, and then formulate a program that you want and order the subconscious mind that is implemented and then see the results through output. If I saw that good results are not even prepared a tuning program gives you output you want.
- When and how the imbalance occurs in the subconscious?
Sometimes the computer has become a sudden stop, or go out strange colors on the screen, printer or printed letters is not known, or the device comes out odd votes, does not work for you what you want to do. They call this programming error (Fault) and call this error (bug). This means that the programmer made a mistake in the work of something or forgot to modify the program so he got what happened. Then place the programmer detects the error and proceed with the amendment or find a workaround for it. Likeness of that some actions which may come from a person other than a decent position. Kalasbah excess in the position of a natural or a bit annoying, or grief in a position that does not require, or frustration or concern in the positions do not require all of this. That means that there is an error in programming or (bug), the required adjustment of the program.
Programmer knows that the program component of the so-called commands (commands), that these rights are the commands in convictions or beliefs.

What is required to change the conviction causing even adjusts the program.
If I heard a child that "God does not help you if you were not satisfied with your mother," and accepted the sentence at a time when her mother was not happy, they never will live her life believing that it would not reconcile, so they do not try and strive.
If it is said of a child, and when the doctor, "you should eat to live" has to eat until satiety, and vice versa if he was told you eat this or that Vstsab such and such or so has created a mental illness in eating Kalpolemia, children heard from a young age that money grimy world and it is the cause of the trouble people will live on the salary will never succeed as a trader what did not change these convictions.
Many of the convictions on a personal level of self and community and public and even global receptive without realizing many of the dangerous. Here arises from the people suffer without knowing the causes for it.
Any behavior in humans - whatever - Forah causing his conviction. There is no human behavior, but has a motive or conviction. Such as the disposal of any computer, he must command.
From here realize that the convictions most important thing for programming the mind according to what you want after you select what you want.

- Characteristics of the conscious mind and the unconscious:

The conscious mind

1. Aware of what is happening now.
2. Its focus is limited

3. The programming of the subconscious mind.
4. Logical and analyst.
5. Thinker.
6. Gives instructions as possible successful or unsuccessful subconscious mind.
7. Possible to change for the better if it is satisfied and thus alter the subconscious mind for the better.
8. Follow-up step is thinking in a way .. Step.

The subconscious mind:
1. Stores memories (memories not change your life).
2. Engine emotions and feelings.
3. Organizes all your memories.
4. Move the body.
5. Maintains the body.
6. Is something immoral (depends on the ethics and behaviors learned from others).
7. Likes to Akhaddmk, needs to be clearly defined steps to be followed.
8. Controls and protects all the senses.
9. Manufactured, stored, and distributed energy.
10. Making habits and needs repetition (of 6-21 times) until you are usually fixed.
11. Programmer on the basis of getting more and more (there are many things to discover possible) the enjoyment of discovery in your life daily.
12. Is exemplified symbols it uses and interacts with the symbols (dream symbols).
13. Takes everything personally.
14. Working base at least an effort is a way at least the opposition.
15. Does not move the negative orders (not all that makes him want to give you what you do not want).
16. He knows what works spontaneously and succeed and knows what can not succeed.
17. It gives you ideas beyond the information that you retrieved from the experience, because they exceed the capacity of the area of ​​awareness in your mind.
18. It works 24 hours. He was following the things that take them from the conscious mind.
19. It works strongly goals, and motivation did not come from the goals it is important to us working this capability.
20. He called enough energy to reach the goal.
21. It responds to the assertions of a strong positive. As I said, I'm satisfied with myself, and I am in great spirits, this goes to speak to the subconscious mind and driven to your advantage. (I know a woman cured of cancer only satisfied in God).
22. It solves all the obstacles automatically until you reach the goals.
23. It works best to have the less stress the mind. Do not try to force your mind to creativity. Be calm, relaxed. Creative ideas and solutions brings with relaxation.
24. Become more active as documented by and the more we used it more.
25. Gives us the strength necessary for the patience to learn the necessary lessons in order to achieve the goals.
26. Accelerate all our words and our behavior commensurate with our goals and bring us closer towards the goal on the condition that the clarity of the goals. That the targets and if we have sacrificed quite get to the event it is impossible to say, or do what harms our move towards the target. It occurs in situations of increasing success that a series of incidents occur so serve us in achieving the goal. So we feel as if accidents agree to our success.
27. What works best works in the two cases, sometimes be interested in our mind to do something, to the fullest extent, and when not thinking about it at all. Detract from the solution in our mind and we Kalshrarh money the car or listen to the radio. The subconscious mind does not work high when we are prevented in bemoaning (negative thinking), not as we reach a solution.
Realities of the subconscious mind:
We can use this ability, the ability of consciousness above, for the programming of our mind to alert us to conduct a certain way. Some people are exporting it to their minds even wake up from sleep at a certain hour, and many of them Asahon error should not exceed one minute. The fact that any one can order his mind even wake him at a specific hour without the need to alarm clock. And can, if focused on the rights he wants to find a position of his car in a crowded place, to find a position waiting for him on the condition to be confident of its success. Here, thousands of people apply this rule, and succeed. The subconscious mind serves us to the extent that we trust him. Can be issued orders to your mind that reminds you of appointments and take the thing at the time Doe Doe, and youve reminds you of your subconscious mind at the right time. You will find the idea in your mind suddenly shines like a lamp. I personally believe in prayers (God is not easy, but what made it easy and make God sad if you like easy) and apply it to find parking in crowded places and often I find the situation in front of me.
The subconscious mind has its own computer. He finds the right answer and the correct time. When therefore brings the idea immediately obvious by the Trust and applied immediately. Some of us, if shined in his mind the idea of ​​intuitive postpone the work to which the last time. If the infidels, for example, is to contact Pflan because he has what we want to postpone the topic and then we meet a person at another time I discovered that it was possible to meet our demand at the same time that risk in mind. He same time requested by the subconscious mind. Therefore took the initiative in what comes before and intuitive work which at once. Sometimes the opportunity to either take seconds or you get lost. We have seen successful business people are making the greatest results to work by intuition. Finally, we mention the most important principle of the subconscious mind. That any idea or goal remains effective in the active conscious mind will be achieved by the subconscious mind, whether for us or to our advantage is. For this, we need to make the conscious mind is always thinking about what we want clearly and forcefully. The attributes of successful they caught their minds always want to explain what is happening and what do not want to. It is therefore important not to speak or think or write about things that do not want to happen, reason with subcontractors will achieve what is going on in our minds constantly. If your duty is limited to the conscious mind and everything else will be achieved in nature.
Wonder how the man here of course can move the subconscious mind?
The move is in three ways.
1. The existence of clear objectives (and before that a great desire and urgent).
2. Bmugod important and urgent challenges.
3. To hear the questions related to our goals, regardless of the source of these questions.
Atbermj the subconscious mind by:
1 - Fantasy, image and sense of hearing.
2 - Repeat: the idea until it deep in the subconscious mind.
Take cigarettes as an example.
You select what you want, not what you do not want.
Any example, instead of saying I do not want repetition in article Fulani, say I want to excel in the article.
If you relax and as much as possible to imagine strongly that you see everyone bless you and left you to smoke and to become healthy and well-being and people say you Machae God and your face becomes white and your face response the first, and with the repetition of this image and change the imagination where, because the subconscious mind does not differentiate between fact and fiction.
This is exactly what happened when the first time to try to smoke. It was your belief and touched a cigarette and I thought it was the door to vent and this belief is incorrect and found to encourage you out and I saw the whole picture and feeling and lodged in your subconscious mind and become generally so long as they are normally after it was not something, it can be vice versa.
I wish you well my brothers, and to the further success and excellence, and God grant you success

What is the importance to continue the subconscious and conscious
If we know that the subconscious mind represents about 90%, any disagreement between the conscious and subconscious is often in favor of the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is a bank of information, memories and desires and habits and the subconscious mind is capable of recording 50 for a cat at a time, unlike the conscious mind which is aware of the cats at a time no more

For example, when you talk to you last focused "conscious mind" in his words or your words may be the second shot you see his eyes. The subconscious mind be recorded Algriqh lighting and temperature and the color of his clothes, and any noise outside the room and so on. The problem of the subconscious mind is the order of things in any form without logic or


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